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Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror Stories and Radio Dramas
Everyone can breathe now. The Zombie Tales Winner have been selected. Reader’s choice first prize goes to Hungry. Second prize goes to Can’t Keep a Dead Man Down. Third prize goes to Children of the Apocalypse. Edtor’s choice, was very close, but the prize goes to Zombies Across the Street. Congratulations to all of the winners, and everyone who submitted.
The Astounding Outposts Presents (volume1) Zombie Tales is now live. In celebration of its release, it will be free November 2-4. That’s right free: download it, read it, review it. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite story here on the Astounding Outpost.
We wanted to thank everyone who submitted for Zombie Tales. We are awaiting approval from Amazon. Once they approve it the book will be live on Kindle, and shortly to follow in paperback.
Voting for the readers choice awards will open November first as planned. Good luck.
Get Ready for the undead invasion. Zombie Tales will be available November, first, on Amazon Kindle and paper pack.